Sunday 17 October 2010

Dota 6.69b Map | Official Map Released!

Dota-Allstars 6.69b Official Map has just released.

As usual, IceFrog is releasing the b version of the map which doesn't have the quest and of course also come with bug fixes from the DotA 6.69 map.

Download Link : DoTA 6.69b Official Map

DoTA 6.69b Changelogs :
Fixed a few bugs of DoTA 6.69 map

- Unstable Concoction stun duration rescaled from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 1.75/2.5/3.25/4
- Added an AoE effect indicator for the Alchemist player while he is charging his Unstable Concoction

- Battle Hunger slow increased to 10%
- Cooldown on Aghanim's Culling Blade reduced from 15 to 10 seconds

Bane Elemental
- Brainsap damage rebalanced from 75/150/225/300 to 90/160/230/300
- Enfeeble damage rebalanced from 30/60/90/120% to 40/60/80/100% (above 100% didn't work properly)
- Added -disablehelp for Nightmare, to stop direct casting on allies (3123839)
- Nightmare fixed so it properly stops enemy potions (3123839)

- Fixed a bug with Sticky Napalm overhead text (+1, +2, etc) that was recently added from being visible to the enemy

- Hawk's HP reduced from 100/200 to 50/100
- Invisibility on Hawk reworked. It now fades out automatically whenever it hasn't moved for 8 seconds.

Bone Fletcher
- Death Pact attack damage rebalanced from 6/7/8% to 4/6/8% of targets HP

Bounty Hunter
- Jinada critical strike increased from 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0 to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25
- Track cast range increased from 750/950/1150 to 900/1050/1200

- Increased XP given for killing Broodmother's Spiderlings

- Movement speed increased from 310 to 315

Crystal Maiden
- Crystal Nova slow duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds.
- Crystal Nova damage increased from 80/130/180/230 to 100/150/200/250.

- Shallow Grave now has a duration indicator for allies

- Fixed over-sized click boundaries for Tombstone (306445)

Doom Bringer
- Base armor reduced by 2
- Doom cast range reduced from 650 to 550

- Aghanim's Scepter added to Enchantress (Increases her attack and Impetus range by 150)
Aghanim Upgrade Ability Code: A1WB

- Eidolons HP reduced from 200/225/225/275 to 180/200/220/240

Faceless Void
-Strength growth increased from 1.4 to 1.6

- Wrath of Nature (Aghanim's version) max chain increased from 12/14/16 to 14/16/18
- Force of Nature Treants can now attack air units (275356)
- Sprout code improved to reduce the chances of heroes sometimes popping out of it
- Sprout targeting change from 6.67 removed
- Wrath of Nature can now be cast through the minimap and it will select the closest unit as the initial target (275356)
Ability Code: A1W8
Aghanim Upgraded Ability Code: A1W9

- Homing Missile now adds an ally only visual effect on targeted enemies
- Homing Missile cast range increased by 150
- Homing Missile cooldown from 20/18/16/14 to 20/17/14/11
- Rocket Barrage damage improved from 10/12/14/16 to 10/13/16/19

- Berserker's Blood attack speed bonus increased from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12

- Invoker now gains attribute points for each orb he levels
+2 Intelligence for Exort
+2 Agility for Wex
+2 Strength for Quas

- Increased Macropyre (Aghanim's version) travel distance

- Omnislash no longer wastes a strike by considering banished units in its search

Keeper of the Light
- Recall is now targetable through the minimap

Lone Druid
- Leash range increased to 1100
- True Form movement speed from 270 to 280
- The "-ms" command now shows the movement speed of your Spirit Bear as well (298418)
- Spirit Bear attack point improved
- Fixed common scenarios where Spirit Bear would miss its attack as the target was moving
- Casting Summon Spirit Bear while the bear is still alive will restore that bear's health instead of not allowing you to cast.

- Hellfire Blast damage redistributed to some on impact and some dps (312517)
- Scoreboard now displays Skeleton King's ultimate cooldown time
- Skeleton King will be automatically selected for you after he reincarnates

- Pulse Nova AoE increased from 300/350/400 to a constant 400

Lina Inverse
- Laguna Blade (Aghanim's version) damage increased from 600/875/1150 to 600/925/1250

- Eclipse (Aghanim's version) target limit increased from 5 to 6
- Strength growth increased from 1.75 to 1.9
- Movement speed increased from 320 to 330

- Shapeshift duration increased from 14/15/16 to a constant 18 seconds

- Strength gain increased from 1.3 to 1.6
- Improved Geomancer's base damage by 5
- Fixed some targeting issues with casting poof (300996)

- Skewer damage rescaled to 70/140/210/280

- Adaptive Strike damage type changed from Physical to Magical (248693)
- Replicate cannot target Morphling's own illusions anymore

- Attack range reduced from 600 to 550

Pandarean Brewmaster
- Cooldown on the Boulder ability on Primal Split's Earth Panda decreased from 10 to 7 seconds

Phantom Assassin
- Base Strength increased from 17 to 20
- Strength growth decreased from 2.05 to 1.85
- Phantom Strike cooldown from 30/20/10/5 to 20/15/10/5

Phantom Lancer
- Strength growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.7

Pit Lord
- Dark Rift AoE increased from 375 to 450

Priestess of the Moon
- Leap cooldown improved from 40/35/30/20 to 30/26/22/18

Queen of Pain
- Sonic Wave (Agahnim's version) cooldown improved from 120/100/80 to 100/70/40
- Shadow Strike cooldown rescaled from 20/17/14/11 to 20/16/12/8

- Static Link drains damage over 8 seconds instead of 10.
- Static Link damage per second rescaled from 5/10/15/20 to 7/14/21/28
- Plasma Field cooldown from 16 to 14

Sand King
- Epicenter (Aghanim's version) now gives one more pulse
- Fixed some lag with Epicenter
- Fixed a bug with Sand Storm if you recast it very quickly while still invisible

Shadow Fiend
- Added a new command (-souls) to see the number of souls you have collected

- Decreased base Agility from 21 to 15 and increased starting damage by the same amount
- Pounce damage rescaled from 50/75/100/125 to 40/80/120/160
- Dark Pact cooldown reduced from 10 to 10/9/8/7

Spirit Breaker
- Greater Bash no longer messes up the target's command
- Nether Strike mana cost from 200/250/300 to 125/150/175
- Nether Strike (Aghanim's version) now Greater Bashes everyone in 250 area around you when you teleport to the primary target (306008)

Storm Spirit
- Intelligence base and growth reduced from 26 + 2.6 to 23 + 2.2
- Electric Vortex mana cost increased from 100 to 100/110/120/130

- Base damage increased by 5
- Remote Mine autoselection removed
- Remote Mines cast time reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds
- Added a new sub ability Focused Detonate that you can use on the minimap or in an area to detonate all nearby remote mines (AoE of 700) (297625)
Ability Code: A1WF

- Laser's miss mechanic reworked.
Old Miss:
10/15/20/25% chance to miss affecting a 250 AoE for 9 seconds

New Miss:
100% chance to miss on the primary target for 2 seconds.

- War Club hit count and AoE increased

- Base Intelligence increased from 15 to 19
- Fixed melee/range item to update properly for Metamorphosis transformation
- Fixed Manta Style interaction with Metamorphosis (so he can use it properly now)
Ability Code: A1RI

- Static Storm cooldown increased from 60 to 75

Troll Warlord
- Battle Trance self duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds
- Fixed melee/range item to update properly for Berserker Rage transformation

Vengeful Spirit
- Magic Missile stun duration rescaled from 1.75 to 1.45/1.55/1.65/1.75

- Plague Ward's bounty increased from 3-9 to 14-17

- Viper Strike (Aghanim's version) mana cost reduced from 125/175/250 to 125

Guardian Wisp
- Tether Stun duration reduced from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0 to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75
- Relocate cooldown increased from 80/60/40 to 90/75/60

- Increased Infernal movement speed from 320/330/340 to 320/340/360
- Immolation from multiple Infernals now stack (281065)

Wind Runner
- Night vision reduced to that of normal heroes (1200->800)
- Shackleshot's search angle reduced from 30 to 26 degrees

Witch Doctor
- Casks first bounce no longer stuns for additional duration, it now lasts the same as all the bounces
- Voodoo Restoration mana cost per second from 6/9/12/15 to 8/14/20/26

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